Lake Campton Property Owners Association

Residents of all units of the Kings Mill and Whitney Woods subdivisions whose dues are currently paid are members of the Association .

The primary expense of the Association is the treatment of the Lake to prevent weed and algae growth; roughly 84% of our budget goes toward this expenses. The other significant expense incurred by the Association is for insurance, which is 15% of our budget.

Invoices for dues are sent to members via U.S. mail and electronically. Dues may be paid in one annual installment, quarterly, or monthly

You may pay your dues by mail; send your check to:

         Lake Campton Property Owners Association
         P.O. Box 196,
         Wasco, IL 60183
You may also pay your dues electronically using your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express credit card. To sign up for electronic payments, please E-mail us, indicating whether your would like to billed annually, quarterly, or monthly.

Our dues schedule for 2018 is shown below.

Annual Dues - 2018
Membership Type Paid Yearly Paid Quarterly Paid monthly
On Lake Property Owner $650.00 $165.00 $55.00
On Lake Property Owner (65 and over) $475.00 $120.00 $40.00
Off Lake Property Owner $400.00 $105.00 $35.00
Off Lake Property Owner (65 and over) $375.00 $95.00 $32.00
Fishing Membership Contact one of the officers for information

© 2018 Lake Campton Property Owners Association, Inc. All rights reserved.